An Introduction To Rock Of Ages
At Rock of Ages Music School we provide music instruction in rock and pop styles for people of all ages. Our tutors have been specifically trained and follow our in-house EasyLearn modules. No previous musical knowledge is required to start your experience at Rock of Ages Music School. We are equipped with a range of instruments, so you don’t have to buy one prior to lessons! We teach electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, drums and vocals with up to 7 teaching stations in action at the same time. Headphones are used for the learning section of the lesson to keep down noise. In the jam section, the headphones come off and it gets noisy and fun. With the tutors guiding their students, they get the experience of playing in a band from their very first lesson. The idea is to make music easy and direct with progress shown from the very beginning, by eliminating the unnecessary elements. Lessons run once a week for one hour, the breakdown of the lesson goes as follows: • 30 minutes of instruction. • 15 minutes to practice songs. • 15 minutes to test your skills in a jam setting. Hourly lessons are very effective, even for younger students. Students will progress through the course at a faster rate if they have a full hour of lesson as there is more time for learning and practicing. They will learn more songs and be able to withstand a longer jam session. Also, hour sessions are more flexible for parents as it gives them time to run errands, chat to the other parents or get your head stuck in a book as the jam session fires up!